



統一標示於 法國南部
 擁有一個集合23家法國南部葡萄酒企業的聯合展臺,朗格多克魯西榮大區將成為2012 Vinexpo亞太葡萄酒博覽會上最具代表性的法國大區。朗格多克魯西榮大區一直以法國南部統一形象參加每一屆的Vinexpo博覽會。今年,朗-魯大區第一次作出區別於其他產區的決定, 在一個180平方米的獨立展廳中展出法國南部的產品。展廳採用法國南部品牌標誌性顏色,便於識別。

法國南部, 一個在亞洲市場不斷攀升的品牌


·             中國大陸:2006--2011年期間,朗格多克-魯西榮地區優質葡萄酒和地區餐酒,往中國的出口量增長了678% ,從2006年的35 616 百升達到 2011年的277 421百升,翻了7,7之多 。同一時期,朗格多克-魯西榮大區往中國葡萄酒出口總額增幅則高達922%,從2006年的6 069 000 歐元到2011年的 62 036 000 歐元,翻了近十倍。

·             香港:2006--2010年間,法國南部葡萄酒出口量上漲了20866%2010年,法國南部往香港地區的葡萄酒出口量達40 022百升, 500萬瓶, 由此可見法國南部葡萄酒在香港市場取得的優異成績。

法國南部品牌自2006年創立以來, 在亞洲漸漸打開市場,並被廣泛接受, 而這一切要歸功於其在中國的代表處:2007年于上海成立的朗格多克-魯西榮大區之家。

參觀者能在法國南部展廳找到所有種類的葡萄酒:白、紅、桃紅葡萄酒、起泡葡萄酒,以及天然甜葡萄酒。朗格多克魯西榮大區是世界上唯一一個能夠提供如此豐富產品的葡萄酒產區。法國南部展廳同時聚集了各種類型的葡萄酒企業:獨立酒莊, 家族酒莊, 聯合酒窖, 酒商,代理商等等。 然而,無論是名聲顯赫的大企業還是默默無聞的小酒莊,都將通過他們的佳釀展現出法國南部葡萄酒最顯著的特性--卓越的性價比。


法國南部的每家參展企業都有一個獨立展臺,供展商與參觀者洽談與品酒。 除此之外,法國南部展廳還專門設置了一個大型的公共品酒區域展示法國南部品牌, 並集合了朗格多克地區(CIVL)和魯西榮地區(CIVR)葡萄酒行業協會精挑細選的佳釀,供參觀者自由品嘗。參觀者還將會得到一本詳細列有全部參展商及展品的目錄冊,方便參觀者根據自己的要求快速尋找新的產品。


為了使香港與中國大陸的葡萄酒專業人士及專業媒體記者,具有市場影響力的從業者和大客戶更好地發現並瞭解法國南部品牌, 旗下的葡萄酒生產商及產品, 法國南部將於529Vinexpo酒展第一天,在香港一家高級餐廳舉辦一場盛大的法國南部之夜尊尚品酒會。



法國南部還將組織一場新聞發佈會, 詳細介紹其品牌,法國南部在亞洲所取得的傲人成績,未來幾年的品牌戰略,及其對亞洲葡萄酒專業人士所能提供的幫助與支持。品酒也是新聞發佈會的重要環節,將由一位來自香港的本土侍酒師主持。





法國南部跟香港的不解之緣,除了參加每一屆的亞太葡萄酒博覽會Vinexpo的同時,法國南部品牌在香港市場的影響還表現在其參加香港國際美酒展中(Hong Kong International Wine &
Spirits Fair)的活躍和它與Park & Shop經常舉行的聯合促銷活動。法國南部品牌還以合作夥伴的身份參與了香港2011世界葡萄酒峰會Wine Future。隨著法國南部葡萄酒在中國大陸與香港的越來越受肯定,法國南部將與香港一同前行!

Sud de France 法國南部
地址 : 上海威海路128號長髮大廈1101
電話 : +86-21-63180056
傳真 : +86-21-53751677
網站 : www.suddefrance.cn 
Discover Sud de France wines at Vinexpo Asia Pacific
A wide range of wines, excellent value for money and targeted professional support

Sud de France at Vinexpo Asia Pacific: 180m² of the a wide range of Languedoc-Roussillon wines

A distinctive identity
At the 2012 edition of Vinexpo Asia Pacific, Languedoc-Roussillon will be France's best represented region with a joint stand featuring 23 regional companies. While Languedoc-Roussillon has always been present at Vinexpo Asia Pacific under the Sud de France brand, this year it has decided for the first time to stand out from the crowd and present its wines at a 180m ² stand, while still under the easily identifiable colours of the Sud de France brand.

Sud de France: conquering Asian markets
Sud de France is an umbrella brand covering all the wines and agri-food products of the Languedoc-Roussillon region under a single banner.

France's second wine-exporting region to mainland China, ahead of Burgundy in both volume and value, the Languedoc-Roussillon continues its conquest of the Chinese and Hong Kong markets and in recent years has intensified its efforts to promote the brand in these markets and consolidate the market share of Sud de France wines in Asia.

•      China: between 2006 and 2011, the volume of wine from the Languedoc-Roussillon (VQRPD + VDP) exported to China increased by 678%, from 35,616 HL in 2006 to 277,421 HL in 2011. It thus multiplied by around 7.7. In value terms, over the same period, exports of wines from the Languedoc-Roussillon rose 922% – a multiplication of almost 10.

•      Hong Kong: With a volume increase of 208.66% between 2006 and 2010 and 40,022 HL, and 5 million bottles exported in 2010, Sud de France wines have shown very good results in Hong Kong.

Thanks to a permanent presence in China through the Maison de la Région Languedoc-Roussillon in Shanghai opened in November 2007, the Sud de France brand has established itself firmly in Asian markets since its inception in 2006.

A wide range
Visitors will discover exhibitors for all types of wines: white, red, rosé, sparkling and sweet wine. In fact, Languedoc-Roussillon is the only wine region in the world offering such a variety of wines. In addition, all types of economic structures are represented: independent winegrowers, family estates, cooperatives, traders, agents, etc. And these wines, whether the product of renowned companies or little-known concerns, all offer the excellent value for money that characterises Sud de France wines.

An institutional presence
In addition to booths at which each individual company will host wine-tastings for their prospects, a joint area will present the Sud de France brand and represent the combined interprofessional wine organisations of Languedoc (Conseil Interprofessional des Vins du Languedoc) and Roussillon (Council Interprofessional des Vins du Roussillon). Visitors can freely enjoy the wines of all these producers at the Sud de France stand. Catalogues listing all the wines of exhibitors will be available and distributed to visitors to help them in their search for new products.

The booth will be manned during the three day event by a sommelier from Hong Kong who will offer guided tastings.

Sud de France: getting the show off to a fine start
To enable professionals and journalists from the specialist press in Hong Kong and mainland China, prescribers and major accounts, to better discover the Sud de France brand and the wines of its producers, South of France is organising a grand networking soirée on the first day of the trade show, Tuesday, May 29, at an upscale restaurant in Hong Kong.

Networking soirée: Sud de France, business facilitator
A mini-exhibition will enable guests to enjoy Sud de France wines presented by exhibitors in a privileged and less formal setting. This first encounter with regional businesses will enable prospects to better understand the range of Sud de France wines and then more easily locate producers at their stands until the end of the show.

Professional support offered by Sud de France
One of the missions of the Maison de la Région Languedoc-Roussillon in Shanghai is to offer Hong Kong and Chinese professionals targeted support to facilitate their business approach with Sud de France wine producers. A rich programme of events thus takes place throughout the year, led by the Maison team, with a view not only to promoting the Sud de France brand but also facilitating relations between Chinese professionals and regional companies, in order to increase the presence of Sud de France wines on Asian markets.

To this end, the Maison de Shanghai offers professionals an opportunity to meet with regional companies at a large number of shows throughout China and Hong Kong. The Sud de France strategy is not to confine itself to major Chinese cities but to expand its outreach throughout the territory. The brand is therefore developing a programme of activities covering around ten Chinese provinces.

As part of this initiative, the Maison de Shanghai is offering, in response to requests by importers and distributors, tasting training programmes for Chinese or Hong Kong sales teams and prescribers, helping them discover the entire range of Sud de France wines.

Sud de France in Hong Kong
Alongside its regular participation in Vinexpo Asia Pacific, the Sud de France brand also maintains a presence in the Hong Kong market via its participation in the Hong Kong International Wine & Spirits Fair and regular promotions with the Park & Shop brand. The Sud de France brand has also been part in the Hong Kong edition of Wine Future as an event partner.

Meeting with journalists
A press conference will be held to present the Sud de France brand, its results in Asia and strategy for the coming years, plus the activities and support offered to Asian professionals. This presentation will be accompanied by a tasting facilitated by a Hong Kong sommelier.

Contact in China:
Sud de France 法国南部
Maison de la Région Languedoc Roussillon– Shanghai
Tel: 0086-21-63180056 - Fax : 0086-21-53751677
Address: Room 101 ,1F Changfa Dasha, No.128 Weihai Rd Shanghai 

