法國波爾多 將於 今年10月28至31日全面回歸香港美酒佳餚巡禮
第一屆在西九龍海濱長廊舉辦的香港美酒佳餚巡禮 (Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival) 獲得成功,支持是次盛事的機構:國際美酒佳餚協會包括波爾多酒協會,波爾多市委員會及波爾多工商總會 (CCIB) 。CCIB的主席Laurent Courbu,波爾多葡萄酒辦公署的主席Georges Haushalter,副市長及波爾多大型活動的主席StéphaneDelaux將組成代表團,隨同多家從事波爾多葡萄酒及美食公司來參加美酒佳餚巡禮。
今年,在波爾多展區內將會有四十七個展臺,當中包括「Dream Up Bordeaux」展臺,以推出一系列由CCIB組織的推廣波爾多美酒佳餚及旅遊業的活動,及由波爾多葡萄酒行業協會 (CIVB) 代表所展示的
「Everyday Bordeaux」紅酒系列,其他葡萄酒展臺,還有Côtes de Bordeaux,Bordeaux Supérieur,Grand Chais de France,Castel,Médoc,Grave,Saint Emilion,Pomerol,Sweet Bordeaux,GIE都會出現於今次展會。這除了是一個品嚐波爾多美酒的難得機會外,參加者並可藉此一試來自波爾多的名廚親手炮製的波爾多美食。而其中一個焦點便是 The Wine School,一個推廣品酒工作室,美酒佳餚配對及調製雞尾酒的展臺。
請於展會期間 (10月28至31日) 前來Bordeaux area (B區),進一步親身體驗來自波爾多的美酒佳餚。
The return of Bordeaux toHong Kong Wine & Dine Festival
28 to 31 October 2010
Following the success of the 1st edition of Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival at the West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade, and being the supporting organization of this event, “The International Wine and Dine Festival Organization” which includesthe Bordeaux Wines Council, the Bordeaux City Council and the Bordeaux Chamber of Commerce and Industry(CCIB), Laurent Courbu, President of CCIB, Georges Haushalter, President of the Bordeaux Wine Bureau,StéphaneDelaux, Deputy Mayor and President of Bordeaux Major Events, will form a delegationtogether with a large number of food and wine players toparticipate in this Festival.
This year, there will be 47 booths in the Bordeaux area which consists of‘Dream Up Bordeaux’to launch a series of promotional activities of the wine, gastronomy and tourism organized by CCIB, ‘Everyday Bordeaux’ presented by Bordeaux Wine InterprofessionalCouncil(CIVB), Côtes de Bordeaux, Bordeaux Supérieur, Grand Chais de France, Castel, Médoc, Grave, Saint Emilion, Pomerol, Sweet Bordeaux and GIE to take part in the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival. It will provide you with an opportunity to try great wines from Bordeaux, fine food and dishes prepared by their great chefs. One of the attractions is “the wine school” which proposes activities such as tasting initiation workshops, wine and food pairings, and making cocktails.
You surely do not want to miss a mouthwatering culinary and Bordeaux wine tour!
Join us at the Bordeaux area (Area ‘B’) of the Wine & Dine Festival (28–31October, 2010) andthoroughly enjoytastings of the fine wines and gastronomic delicacies on show.
For further information, please contact : 詳情請聯繫 |
Ms. Lily YUI Senior Trade Adviser - Communication & Press 25/F Admiralty Centre Tower 2 Fax: (852) 3752 9110
芮瑞琦 香港及華南地區商務官 – 媒體部 法國商務專員公署 香港夏愨道十八號 海富中心第二座廿五樓 電話:(852) 3752 9178 傳真:(852) 3752 9110