法國原產地波爾多坡地葡萄酒 "Côtes de Bordeaux"
在波爾多葡萄酒產區的中心地帶,波爾多坡地葡萄酒聯合會 (Union des Côtes de Bordeaux - UCB) 在2007年建立 ,在1985年波爾多坡地協會成立後,兩個機構便開始為不同項目進行緊密合作。
UCB將四個不同產區:Blaye, Cadillac, Castillon及Francs聯合在一起,並建立一個集體性品牌:AOC波爾多坡地。
在法國,葡萄酒原產地名能提高消費者對產品的認識,因為在酒瓶上,消費者能看到一個共同名稱:Côtes de Bordeaux,而旁邊亦具備葡萄酒的原產地:Blaye, Cadillac, Castillon 或是Francs,突出了每款葡萄酒的特性。
Premières Côtes de Blaye =» BLAYE CÔTES DE BORDEAUX
Premières Côtes de Bordeaux rouges =» CADILLAC CÔTES DE BORDEAUX
Bordeaux Côtes de Francs =» FRANCS CÔTES DE BORDEAUX
波爾多坡地產區還有另外一個特色,那就是所有葡萄釀酒商及商家可以在不同坡地的土地上將葡萄酒混合,並採用 “Côtes de Bordeaux” 的名稱。
自2011年起,七千五百萬瓶印有新的 “Côtes de Bordeaux” 名稱的葡萄酒便由此誕生。
2011年被納入波爾多坡地的歷史內,因為在這一年,印有全新AOC Côtes de Bordeaux字樣的葡萄酒在市場面世。在2012年,產區內的釀酒商期望發展更多海外市場,例如德國、美國、加拿大、中國及香港等等。
波爾多坡地葡萄酒聯合會的新總監Patricia Zabalza說:「有了新的共同名稱 Côtes de Bordeaux,產區內葡萄酒的形象及身份便得以提升。」
另外,由於經濟低迷,消費者更傾向於找尋符合經濟效益的產品,而Côtes de Bordeaux的葡萄酒便能迎合他們的需要,在法國,一瓶產自波爾多坡地葡萄酒的價錢介乎5歐元至10歐元之間。」
國際業務是波爾多坡地的未來商業發展,Patricia Zabalza表示:「波爾多坡地就像法國多數葡萄酒原產地一樣,需要面臨很多改變。對於我們的釀酒商來說,未來的挑戰是出口業務,而我們優先考慮的國家是德國、美國、加拿大、中國及香港。」
現時在波爾多坡地產區,只有14% 的產量是用作出口業務,相比起所有波爾多的所有產區 (其出口業務佔32%),波爾多坡地葡萄酒還有很大出口發展空間。在2011年,波爾多坡地的出口業務上亦發展迅速,現時已達到16%,而他們的目標是令這數字加倍。
波爾多坡地出口的葡萄酒自2010年2011年增加了2%,出口業務的增長範圍包括香港 (+50%),日本 (+31%) 及中國 (+11%)。
Patricia Zabalza
The AOC Côtes de Bordeaux wines : a new identity, now well established
In the heart of the Bordeaux wine region, the Union des Côtes de Bordeaux (UCB), created in 2007, is the logical result of the joint project that began in 1985 with the creation of the Côtes de Bordeaux Association.
It is the ambition of the UCB, which now brings together the terroirs of Blaye, Cadillac, Castillon, and Francs, to create a recognized collective “brand”: AOC Côtes de Bordeaux.
Accounting for 14% of the Bordeaux region’s total production, with a volume of 535,000 hectoliters, a total surface area of 110,000 hectares and 1,500 wine growers, the new AOC Côtes de Bordeaux now provides a structured and amplified visibility within the jumble of French Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée.INAO = Institut National des Appellations d’Origine [National Appellations of Origin Institute].
In France, wine appellations improve the consumer’s understanding of the products, thanks to the mention of a shared family name, “Côtes de Bordeaux,” side by side with the terroir “Blaye, Cadillac, Castillon or Francs,” which emphasize the personality and characteristic nature of each of these wines.
The new wine appellations have now become obligatory since the sale of the 2009 millésime:
Premières Côtes de Blaye BLAYE CÔTES DE BORDEAUX
Premières Côtes de Bordeaux rouges CADILLAC CÔTES DE BORDEAUX
Bordeaux Côtes de Francs FRANCS CÔTES DE BORDEAUX
Abroad, where Côtes de Bordeaux wines are still underrepresented, the creation of this new AOC Côtes de Bordeaux will allow the “Bordeaux” region to be easily situated, and will increase its renown, as well as promoting the characteristic terroir of the “coteaux.” (hillsides)
Another new feature is that the Côtes de Bordeaux appellation will now allow all producers and traders to blend wines from the various Côtes terroirs, and to solely use the “Côtes de Bordeaux” name, particularly in order to create strong commercial brands.
Since 2011, 75 million bottles have borne the signature marking of the new Côtes de Bordeaux names.
Export, the challenge of commercial development
France is the biggest market, with 75 million bottles of Côtes de Bordeaux wine sold, followed by Belgium.
Thanks to the Union des Côtes de Bordeaux, wine growers have been able to work hand in hand to increase the renown of this new French wine appellation around the world. And this will remain a priority focus for the years to come.
2011 is now inscribed in the history of Côtes de Bordeaux as the year when the first bottles bearing the signature marking of the new denominations of AOC Côtes de Bordeaux were launched. In 2012, Côtes de Bordeaux wine growers, who are proud of the reception and positive impact this new appellation has had, will seek to move into numerous international markets: Germany, the United States, Canada, China, Hong Kong, and more.
• In France, the 2009 vintage with the new denominations is entering into the distribution networks.
The new appellations are now a mandatory part of labeling.
“Rallying around this shared family name, Côtes de Bordeaux, will help improve the clarity and identity of the region’s wines on the national territory,” says Patricia Zabalza, the new director of Union des Côtes de Bordeaux.
Moreover, against a backdrop of declining purchasing power, consumers prefer more economical products, and Côtes de Bordeaux wines have the advantage of excellent value for money ratio, with Château wines priced between €5 and €10 on average (in France).
• International business, the commercial future of Côtes de Bordeaux.
“Côtes de Bordeaux, like the majority of French wine appellations, has had to undergo many changes. For our wine growers, the future and the challenge is export development, and the majority of our activities today are focused on that, with priority given to Germany, the United States, Canada, China, and Hong Kong,” Patricia Zabalza explains.
Only 14% of Côtes de Bordeaux production is currently for export, compared to 32% for all Bordeaux wines, which means that the growth potential is truly significant! In fact, as of 2011, Côtes de Bordeaux has made progress internationally, with a 2-point increase in its share of the export market, which now stands at 16%. The goal is to double this export share.
As the first fruit of the new appellation, the volume of Côtes de Bordeaux for export is on the rise (having gone up 2% from 2010 to 2011), though it is still below the performance levels of Bordeaux wines as a whole. This growth in exports of Côtes de Bordeaux has primarily taken place in areas such as the Asian market: +50% in Hong Kong, +31% in Japan, and +11% in China.
Contact for the Union des Côtes de Bordeaux :
Patricia Zabalza
Email: p.zabalza@bordeaux-cotes.com